Ron Lowton


Darkness Into Light

 Latest CD, "Darkness Into Light" produced at Glenn Phillips Studio   supported by vocalists Tony McVey, Michelle Beckett and Becky   Kell.  Recorded between 2023 and 2024 and to be released for   sale  at outlets, on line, and CD from the 25th April 2024. The title   track "Darkness Into Light" was inspired by Bernard Cocker and   the album developed from there with new songs and updating of   some older songs. See concert details. Album in full can be played via


How Can These Things Be

 How Can These Things Be,  produced at Glenn Phillips Studio   between 2021 and 2022 from an idea by Steve Powell who, at the   time needed a new Christmas song . The album developed out of   that with some new songs and a new take on some old ones.   Backing vocalists include Tony McVey, Michelle Beckett and Becky   Kell.  Lyrics were contributed to this  album by Joyce Foster (I   Waited Patiently) and Ian Thompson (We're Moving).   Album in full can be played via


 This CD is a compilation of songs written by Ron Lowton between   1980 and 1995 and all tracks were recorded with Soundtree   studios in Biggin Hill, Bolton and Blackburn. The CD takes tracks   from previously recorded songs on Master Builder, He's Alive, Sing   Unto The Lord A New Song, Promised and Anthem Of Praise. All   the aforementioned were produced by Brook Trickett as well as   the album itself in 2018.

Anthem Recorded originally live between the 08th and 12th March 1989 by   Brook Trickett and Ray Prickett and featured a choir made up of   church members from Kings Church, Little Lever and Claremont   Church, Bolton.  At the time cassettes were sold until March 2017   when the work was remastered by Brook Trickett at Soundtree   Studios, Blackburn and is still on sale. All songs were written by   Emyr W Jones and Ron Lowton and soloists featured from various   churches in the Bolton area i.e. Tony McVey, Ron Lowton, Emyr W Jones, Joyce Foster,  Michelle Beckett, Jean Hesketh and Tony Lang. 


 Promised was inspired by a teaching series at Claremont Church,   Bolton, during 1986 and the concept developed by Ron Lowton,   Emyr Jones, Brook Trickett and Stuart Baugh. The 45 voice choir   was directed by Emyr Jones and this musical toured with venues   such as Bristol, Birmingham and Liverpool.  Vocalists included Ron   Lowton, Tony McVey, Joyce Foster,  Emyr Jones and Brook Trickett.   Backing vocals included Catherine Dunning and June Prescott.   (see photo gallery)